Princess Islands: Princess Islands are called in Turkish: Prens Adaları, which is located near Istanbul in the heart of the Sea of Marmara and it is located in the most important tourist areas in the world today Turkey is Istanbul, and Istanbul is the love and heart of the world and is surrounded by the most beautiful cruises, when you visit Istanbul do not miss yourself Princess Island trip from Istanbul, whether it is Princess Island trip in winter or summer.

Princess Island story
Many people ask why princess island was called by this name and what is the story of princess island in Turkey?
It came in relation to the Byzantine princess who were deported to this place in the Byzantine era, after which it turned this island into a special resort for the queens of the Ottoman Empire at that time, because it is distinguished by its privacy that is unique to it from other islands.
The most important princess islands
Buyuk Ada Island: It is the largest of the princess islands and therefore it was called by this name, its area is 5.4 square kilometers, and the number of the original population of the island during the winter season is about two thousand people, while this number increases during the summer season significantly, which is two hills, the first overlooking the side Southern and second overlooking the northern side. The southern hill is called the Great Hill “Yücetepe”, and it is 203 meters above sea level. The northern hill is 164 meters high, and the monastery hill is called “Manastır Tepsi”.
Hebeli Ada Island: Hebeli Ada Island: Hebeli Ada Island is more green and varied in princess, in terms of vegetation. It is formerly known as "Halki" island, which means in ancient Greek "copper" and is the second most visited princess island by tourist delegations, whether in summer or winter. During the winter, the island has a population of about 7,000, while this number increases significantly during the summer. The island includes the "Kamariotissa" Church, which is the only Byzantine Church on the island. The island also includes the “AYAYORGI" Monastery and "Tarik-i Dünya", one of the most worthy sights to visit on the island. See the tomb of the British Queen Elizabeth I ambassador, Edward Barton, who is considered the second most historical monument in the quantitative military part of the remaining military part of the inspirational military part. The island also includes a number of important archaeological and historical monuments such as: the monastery "Ayia" and the Romanian Orthodox School, and the Palace of Abbas Hilmi Pasha, as well as to the first treatment clinic in the history of Turkey.
Burgas Island Ada: This island is considered the third among the princess islands in terms of area. The island contains one hill known as the hill of science “Bayrak tepesi.”, The island is characterized by its clean atmosphere, and the picturesque nature adorned with pine trees, as well as its mild climate, its beaches, and its historical palaces after its restoration work. The island also includes a number of summer homes and chalets for artists and the wealthy, and the beautiful historical palaces in the island, in addition to the Promenades Street, and “Gönül” and “Mehtap” streets located at the foot of the hill overlooking the beach, are among the most visited places on the island, located on the side The eastern part of the island's marina is its oldest marine shore, which includes a sea lighthouse that guides ships to the island.
How far is the princess island from Istanbul
If you want to know where the princess island is located then estimate the distance between Istanbul and princess island an hour and a half to two hours by ferry. princess Island Road is a wonderful marine road filled with fresh and fresh air.
How to go to princess Island
How or how to get to or princess island? There are two ways to go to princess Island.
Island of princess from Taksim: You ride the taxi to the port of Eminonu or Captas, it takes 10 minutes to 15 minutes, and then you go up to the ferry.
Go to princess Island from Sultan Ahmed: Just go to the tramway and go down at the Amenono station, you will find the port of ships directly in front of you, and then go or be asked about the location of the ferry princess island.
The dates and when to start princess island trips:
It is the best time to visit princess Island on all days of the week except for the weekend on Sunday due to the heavy crowding on ships. It is best for you to go to the Island tour at 09:30 and return at 16:30.
Princess Island trips from Kabatach trips: Trips start from the port of Kabatach princess Island at 6:50 am until 19:40.
Princess Islands trips from Eminonu: It also starts at 06:40 AM, but it continues to operate until 23:00 PM,
The most important places on the princess island trip in Istanbul
The most important places in the Princes Islands points of interest:
Go to the port of Istanbul to board the Princess Islands ship.
Enjoy the natural scenery and tourism on the island.
Watch the princess palaces and beaches.
Stagecoach rides around the island in Istanbul.
Have lunch in one of the princess islands restaurants.
Eat the famous ice cream.
Shopping on the island market is one of the shops and memorials.
The best restaurant on the island
Princess Island restaurants prices per person vary between 100 pounds to 200 pounds
The best princess island restaurants
Yogitepe restaurant specializing in grilled meat
Ada Balik Ivey restaurant, famous for its varied fish
In addition to cafes of the island different.
princess Island hotels
Best hotels on the island:
Buyuk Ada Princess Hotel
Anadolu Colobo
Sergostest Hotel
Buyuk Ada Anastasia Miziki hotel
We recommend taking a maximum night in one of the princess hotels, especially for the honeymoon.
Weather on princess island
The weather on the island of princess in the winter is cold, but lighter in coldness than Istanbul. As for the weather, the islands of Istanbul in the spring and summer is beautiful, and temperatures are lower than Istanbul because of the presence of trees around the island.
Description: Know everything about Princess Islands, its history, story, way to go to, dates, the most important monuments in it and the activities of restaurants, hotels and touring